How to fix the height of rows in the table?
Fixing the height of rows in a table ensures uniformity and prevents dynamic resizing based on content. It’s achieved by setting a specific height for the `<tr>` elements using CSS, ensuring consistent presentation....
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PHP | Ternary Operator
If-else and Switch cases are used to evaluate conditions and decide the flow of a program. The ternary operator is a shortcut operator used for shortening the conditional statements....
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Create a Music Player using JavaScript
As streaming is increasingly being adopted by users, online media players have become essential for consuming media on the internet. Music players allow one to enjoy music in any browser and supports a lot of the features of an offline music player.We will be creating a music player with a clean user interface that can be used to play music in the browser. We will also implement features like seeking and volume control. HTML has several methods in the HTMLMediaElement interface that can be used to play audio files and control its playback without using any other library.We will start by creating the HTML layout first that defines the structure of the player, make it look good by styling using CSS and then write the player logic for all the functions in JavaScript....
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How to make JavaScript wait for a API request to return?
Prerequisite:Async/Await Function in Javascript...
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How to remove .html extension from URL of a static page ?
All the pages on the website have a structure that is given by HTML. HTML provides the structure to content, text, tables, headings, and lists on the webpage which makes the page easy to read. While saving an HTML document it has an extension as .html. Therefore, the URL of the website has a .html extension. The .html extension can be easily removed by editing the .htaccess file....
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ReactJS useEffect Hook
React useEffect hook handles the effects of the dependency array. The useEffect Hook allows us to perform side effects on the components. fetching data, directly updating the DOM and timers are some side effects. It is called every time any state if the dependency array is modified or updated....
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How to change the text and image by just clicking a button in JavaScript ?
The image and text can be changed by using JavaScript functions and then calling the functions by clicking a button. We will do that into 3 sections., in the first section we will create the structure by using only HTML in the second section we will design minimally to make it attractive by using simple CSS and in the third section we will add the JavaScript code to perform the task...
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What is the difference between YAML and JSON?
YAML: It is a light-weight, human-readable data-representation language. It is primarily designed to make the format easy to read while including complex features. Since YAML is a superset of JSON, it can parse JSON with a YAML parser.The extensions in YAML are .yaml or .yml. YAML specifications allow user-defined data types as well as explicit data typing....
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How to set a value to an input file using HTML ?
In HTML, we will use the type attribute to take input in a form and when we have to take the file as an input, the file value of the type attribute allows us to define an element for the file uploads. It displays a browse button on our computer screen, and when we click on this browse button, it asks the user for permission to select the file from his local computer....
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How to create a Pie Chart using HTML & CSS ?
A Pie Chart is a type of graph that displays data in a circular shape and is generally used to show percentage or proportional data. The percentage represented in the graph by each category is provided near the corresponding slice of one portion of the pie chart. These charts are very good for displaying data for two or more categories....
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How to place two bootstrap cards next to each other ?
Bootstrap is the most popular, free, and open-source HTML, CSS framework that is used to make a responsive website and make them beautiful. It provides various classes to work with that can be used to make a website beautiful. It also provides classes for creating cards....
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How to create a PHP form that submit to self ?
Forms can be submitted to the web page itself using PHP. The main purpose of submitting forms to self is for data validation. Data validation means checking for the required data to be entered in the form fields. PHP_SELF is a variable that returns the current script being executed. You can use this variable in the action field of the form. The action field of the form instructs where to submit the form data when the user presses the submit button. Most PHP pages maintain data validation on the same page as the form itself. An advantage of doing this is in case of a change in the website structure, the data validation code for the form, and the form remain together.Code Snippet:...
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